
steve with dogs 2013


My name is Steven Colburn and I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science with a minor in Political Science.

My overall goal is to be a computer programmer in the gaming industry.

However, after graduating, I realized that having a CS degree from SDSU wasn’t enough for me to land an entry level job in the companies I applied for. Everybody wants people with experience and portfolios.

Fast forward….

I decided to create a game – a game that I could conceptualize, create and market myself.

That is how the Bug Battle Game was born.

I can safely say that this adventure has been educational.

Beyond the obvious tasks of learning news software, coding, creating 2D bug sprites, testing the game to different demographics and fixing all the “bugs,” I’ve had to get a business license, fictitious name, attend business seminars and go through the approval steps to market the game on Steam.

For those who purchase this game, I really hope you like it. Although basic – it is suitable for anybody to play, young or old and if you are able to get through all 30 levels, I pretty much guarantee you will learn the name of at least one new bug!


My next goal is to create a VR 3D game.

Wish me luck!


My Early Days

I have been using computers since I was in preschool.

I have used computers my whole life always knew I would eventually work in the computer industry.

The first game which inspired me was Battlezone 2, where I first learned how to mod games.

From that point on, I wanted to know everything about computers. When I was old enough, I attended iD Tech camps during summer. I learned a variety of computer skills at that camp. My first skill learned was to program a calculator in C.

On subsequent sessions, I took classes in game modding, where I learned to create maps using Battlefield mod tools. It was also where I learned to make a simple top down space shooter game.

When I was 15 I went to the first iD Gaming Academy held at UC Berkeley for 3 weeks. While I was there I learned to use Maya to create a playable game character, which was then loaded into Torque Game Engine. I also learned to make a playable map using the engine.

I also attended a science camp called Astrocamp located in Idyllwild, California. While attending this camp I learned fun and interesting skills from building and firing rockets, scuba diving, geocaching, and lego robotics.

During the summer of my junior year at Granite Hills High School, I was invited to participate in a Youth Leadership Program run by LeadAmerica.

I traveled to Washington, D.C. and I learned what it takes to be a leader.



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